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How to Combat Buffeting, Turbulence, and Wind Vibrations 

How to Combat Buffeting, Turbulence, and Wind Vibrations 

One of the biggest joys of getting out for a ride on your motorcycle is experiencing the scenic views along the open road. National Landmarks, State Parks, or even the watering hole in the middle of nowhere you seem to always grab a beer with friends at. Sitting on your bike and gripping the throttle is probably one of the most exhilarating feelings one can experience in their lifetime. However, motorcycle enthusiasts can all agree we have one major enemy that we can’t seem to get away from. The Wind... 

What is buffeting and how is it affecting my ride? Asked and Answered.

Are you experiencing constant vibrations, unwarranted noise, and overall rider fatigue when reaching your destination after a Long Ride? Causing 5-mile rides to feel like 50? This is wind buffeting.  

Whether it is a reminder of getting on your hog at an older age or is used as an excuse at times to not make it out on a nice summer day, it is a problem that can be easily fixed with a premium Recurve Windshield.  

 With most stock windshields, riders will experience a minimal pocket of protection against the elements while riding. Bugs splatting on their helmets, whistling and ringing noises in their ears, rain getting shot right into the face. Every rider needs a windshield but deserves one that will offer them maximum protection while on a Long Ride.  

A Recurve Windshield is not like the rest. These windshields were designed to protect the rider from all these unwanted road hazards we just can’t seem to get away from. When hits a Recurve Windshield, it is thrown up and over the rider as  

Why do I even need a windshield on my motorcycle? Asked and Answered. 

We all have our own preference of style when it comes to our beloved bikes. Whether it's a non-fairing model Road King or something with some culture like the Heritage, every biker deserves a wind-free ride.  

It's understandable that some riders think a windshield might cramp their style. That some motorcycles just look better without one. They may be right too. But don’t any of us forget, that the first people to try out windshields on their motorcycles were World Champion Grand Prix Winners. And let's be honest, winners don’t have to explain themselves to anyone.  

Also, what some of us timelessly forget, is that windshield is not only there for protection, but style as well. Windshields add color, flare, and that unique custom touch to one's motorcycle. In turn, they become that showpiece, talked about through every community your ride through on your way to your next destination.  

How do I know what the proper height of a Recurve windshield is that works best for me? Asked and Answered. 

One of the most complicated aspects of picking a new windshield is which height will suit your riding style the best. The most important philosophy you should take into consideration during this process is safer rather than sorry.  

We all know sometimes we just want our hog looking as mean as possible. Regardless, of the functionality, we just want our friends and family to do a double-take while we soak in the gratification of having the meanest bike on the road.  

However, in doing so, we sometimes forget that a windshield is there to offer you protection from the various elements we encounter while on the open road. Countless times as riders we find ourselves in the unsettling predicament of riding home at night. And with wrong height and dark tint windshields, this can spell a recipe for disaster. Don’t worry though, Long Ride Shields is here to help you find that right height with an even more satisfying tint.  

The optimal position for a Recurve Windshield is right at about the rider’s mustache height. Now, we may think why so low? Will that even protect me from the wind? But it is in this position where a rider will have maximum protection from the wind, while still having the ability to clearly look over the shield and see the road in front of them. Furthermore, when the shield is in this position, it won’t matter how dark of a windshield tint you choose. You’ll keep your hog looking fierce while still enjoying a safe and more enjoyable ride, every time.  

Long Ride Shields Pledge to our loyal fan base: Every Rider Deserves a Wind-Free Ride.  

Biker Built is certainly a catchphrase we at Long Ride Shields lives by. For most, the concept seems relatively simple. However, to truly understand what Biker Built means you must dig deep from within. It’s not just a mindset, but a way of living. It Is something you can easily understand, by just taking your bike and hitting the open road.  

We at Long Ride Shields strive to fuse your persona with the motorcycle lifestyle. Shaped by the road, the community, and each other, we understand lay not in the destination, but in the journey, itself. We applaud all those who embrace the Biker Built lifestyle and encourage you to join our family. 


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