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Ride Safely with These Rules of the Road

Ride Safely with These Rules of the Road

This is the heart of the motorcycle season. The weather doesn’t get much better than this - gorgeous blue skies, warm sunny days and lots of winding mountain roads. Before you head out riding this summer, it is imperative to consider the tips below. 

 Motorcycle Riding Safety Tips:

  • Ride alert and not fatigued
  • Ride sober – Never drink and drive
  • Avoid distractions such as headphones or cellphones
  • Be a defensive driver
  • Always assume other cars cannot see you
  • Always keep a safe distance between you and other vehicles
  • Be cautious when riding in harsh weather 
  • Take a motorcycle safety class
  • Wear appropriate clothing designed to protect your skin
  • Wear a D.O.Tapproved motorcycle helmet
  • Carry the right type of motorcycle insurance


These motorcycle tips may seem like common sense to most, but thousands of riders each year do not follow most of them. In fact, wearing a D.O.T. approved motorcycle helmet has been known to prevent serious and often fatal brain injuries from occurring. It is estimated that more than 2,000 motorcyclists would have lost their lives last year if they had not worn a helmet. In states without an all-rider helmet law, 59% of motorcyclists killed were not wearing a helmet. This is a drastic difference from states with all-rider helmet laws. In those states, only 8% were not wearing a helmet. 

Unfortunately, even when you take all the necessary safety precautions, accidents can still occur. It is important to outfit yourself with durable and reliable riding gear. When accidents happen, your gear can be the difference between a serious injury or minor scrapes and bruises.

Being proactive will equip you with a better riding arsenal before you roll out. Stay conscious of these tips for a happy and healthy riding season.

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